This may be a little late in the season to be sharing an Advent entry...but...the focus is right on time. I'm forever delayed on getting things done for myself on time.
Guys, I really wanted to be the person who completed my December Daily album (wait, what...yeah that didn't happen) and I wanted to do a daily Advent entry...cue the laughter reel, again hilarity ensues.
Anyone who knows me, knows I am incapable of saying no to a cry for help. Unless I have a bone protruding from my body somewhere or I am super ill, I will be there. This is what happened from August to December and is still ongoing. Guess what? I am more than ok with it, I am a helper, it's what I do. Yet there's that regret of not being able to focus on what I love most, creating. It's not my path at the moment. It's going to circle around. Which brings me to the relevance, on renewing the love. You deserve a few quiet moments to focus yourself each day, I'm working on loving myself a little bit this year. That means doing things that make me happy. Renewing the spirit inside myself so I can care and help others without feeling deflated. To help with renewed joy and care.

So in a weird way, this Advent message is a Valentine/Love message to you. Renew the love within you, look to things with a smile instead of a frown. I know that's easier said than done and I am guilty of frowning myself. When you're stuck and unable to say yes...say a quick prayer to God to renew your spirit and help you to be cheerful, to love others and yourself.
This entry was incredibly easy to create, hearts are one of my favorite things, so it flowed out of me quite fluently. I used watercolor pencils, the wonderful new white pen and Le Pens for this entry. Thank you for letting me share with you.