We are thrilled to have Teri Anderson on the Blog today, with her amazing projects using our brand new stickers. Teri is an accomplished paper crafter and Paper Crafts Magazine editor - you'll love her fresh approach to card making with SRM!

I'm Teri Anderson. I am a 30-something, camera toting, travel loving, John Mayer fan. I'm a long-time paper crafter and scrapbooker. I've crafted since I was a kid and kept a scrapbook since high school, but I really caught the bug bad when I moved away to a small town after college where I knew no one. It was a great way to get to know folks and to keep my mind off my real world job. Paper crafting came for me during that time. I am currently one of the Go-to Gals and contributing editors for Paper Crafts magazine. I'm on several design teams. I have spent a good chunk of the last year teaching at conventions across the country for Technique Tuesday. When I am not crafting, I am: spending lots of time with family; heading to the beach; spoiling my two fluffy dogs; going to concerts and taking lots and lots of pictures.
SRM Stickers, for me, are like the little black dress of paper crafting supplies. They are practical and they are timeless. They are something everyone can use. Scrapbook pages and cards always need words, and there are a whole lot of word stickers from SRM. I dig them because you can grab a sheet of them, pull off a sticker, slap it on card and be done. It doesn't get better than that.

Using We've Got Your Sticker PLUS Halloween

Using We've Got Your Sticker PLUS Halloween

Using Thanks Fancy Sentiments

Using Thanks Fancy Sentiments

Using Birthday Fancy Sentiments

Using We've Got Your Sticker Merry

Using We've Got Your Number XL White
Thank you for joining us today, Teri, fabulous work! Please join us next week as we begin our Paper of the Week series. We'll be showcasing your favoite paper collections with SRM Stickers -- in a big way!