Friday, October 8, 2010

Halloween Hop!

Welcome to another SRM Stickers Blog Hop! You'll be travelling to the SRM Designers' blogs to view projects they created using SRM Halloween stickers. You will LOVE what they've done!

The blog hop order is listed below...just 'follow' each blog, leave a comment on their hop post, and return here to let us know you've completed the hop. Two random hoppers will be chosen to receive a prize package of new SRM stickers along with our complete Halloween collection;

Say It With Stickers; "Halloween"

Express Yourself; "Halloween"

Life; "Halloween"

Sticker Sentiments

Quick Card; "Treats"

Freestyle; "Halloween"


Tania Willis
Tanis Giesbrecht
Carole Kisch
Deana Boston
Jing-Jing Nickel
Gina Hanson
Amy Heller
Tobi Crawford
Becky Williams
Helen Miles
Nina Bracket
Kathy Racoosin
Jen Martakis
SRM Stickers

Thank you for joining us -- have fun! You have until the end of the weekend to complete the Hop. I'll be announcing winners on Tuesday, October 12th.


  1. Completed the hop...such great projects!!

  2. I hopped and I am a follower
    (except Norma's blog is not up to date and I couldn't figure out how to follow Tanis and Deana)

    Great hop and Really Great projects shared along the way!

  3. Made it through the hop, followed the ones that I could (had issues with a couple of blogs).

  4. Loved the hop!!!! Fun projects! I LOVE halloween!

  5. Such a fun hop! So much inspiration!! Left the designers some blog love & look forward to following them for future inspiration...

  6. Already a follower of you fab blog, but I'm hopping!

  7. I always came back to the list if I had any problems. Fun hop!

  8. I am done hopping. Love all of the cards and your blog. There was about 3 blogs I could not follow 'cuz it was not working. I will go back and check again later. TFS and God Bless.


  9. That was really fun and loved seeing everyone's creations!

  10. I wasn't able to follow a couple of blogs either, but I completed the hop and what a treat to see all the talent! Thanks for the fun!

  11. I made it and your hop was a real inspiration. Tobi's "follow" list isn't working but I'll try again on another visit. Thanks to all your dt -great job ladies!

  12. always love a good blog hop :) so many great ideas...

  13. Wow what a Fun Hop.....and what a talented team...I so enjoyed each and every creation!!!

    Thanks for such great products!!! :-)

  14. Commented, followed, and hopped... fabulous ideas! Very inspiring, thank you!!!

  15. Such a great hop, ladies!! Everyone did a fabulous job!! :)

  16. Enjoyed the hop and became a follower!

  17. Loved the hop-so much talent showcased here! :)

  18. Wow, amazing eye-candy today in the hop!

  19. completed the hop! You ladies are so talented. Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration :)

  20. So much incredible inspiration! Thanks!!

  21. What a great hop. I enjoyed all the fabulous creations and am following or subscribed to all the blogs.

  22. What an AWESOME Blog Hop!!!! You have some uber-talented designers on your team! I am following this blog and hope that you will come check out my blog also! I'm having a HUGE blog candy giveaway right now....

  23. This is the first time I have heard of SRM Stickers! I stumbled on the "stuck in a rut" trying to finish the cover! Wish I would have had these stickers! So, so cute!

  24. I have visited all the "hop stops" followed who I could and enjoyed every minute...wonderful designers and great projects....thanks so much for having this....

  25. I hopped! I was able to leave comments on all of the stops and became a follower of all that I could (through google). A couple seemed to be not compatible with my computer, but I tried! Fun hop with some darling projects. Several of the blogs were new to me, so that was a lot of fun.

  26. Just completed the hop...everyone had some fabulous cards and layouts! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. COMPLETED! great hop! this was my second blog hop ever! :)

  28. I have just completed the hop! Loved all the inspiration, and all the projects - all were so different! :D

  29. Just completed this hop and it was a lot of fun and filled with inspiration as well!!!!

  30. Completed, followed, commented... what amazing creations. Great fun. Thank for the great "hop".

  31. Thanks for the rockin Halloween Hop, such a talented group! Really inspiring!

  32. great hop and some really wonderful stickers.

  33. great blog hop. Had fun and saw lots of great cards and layouts.

  34. Great blog hop! Enjoyed looking at all the various creations from your very talented DT!

  35. What a fun and inspirational hop! So many cute projects and cards!Thanks so much!

  36. Had so much fun on the hop... and wow wow wow what wonderful lo's cards and projects... Thanks for a chance.... would love to win these!!!
    Thanks~ Michelle

  37. Completed the hop. Lots of fun and a group of very creative ladies.

  38. Just finished the hop. Loads of inspiration from the fantastic contributors. Would love to have some of the stickers. They are so versatile. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. Finished the hop, that was fun! I loved the use of the gauze from the medicine cabinet -- I never would have thought of that. Such cute projects from everyone!

  40. I love creating cards for Halloween! Just finished the blog hop! Thanks for all the cute ideas! :)

  41. I finished the hop! It was fantastic! So much great inpiration -- you have an amazing DT!

  42. I love those stickers! I'm placing an order tomorrow to give away at my crop next Saturday!

  43. I enjoyed going to all the blogs but I haven't done this enough to understand where to leave comments. Do you have to join everyone's blog to make a comment? I am showing my age cause I am a newbie blogger and obviously not very good at it yet. I wish the place to make your comments was VERY easy to spot so we late bloomers to the blogging world understood it better. SRM stickers have always been a favorite of mine and I sell alot in my store.

  44. What a fun hop!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful inspiration!!!!! Such amazing talent!!! And Halloween is my favorite!!!!! I loved everything!!!!!


  45. Very cute. I couldnt' tell those were stickers. First time here!!


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!