Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Borders and Stitches Layout by Giorgia

Hello SRM friends, Giorgia here with a summer layout.
One of my favorite SRM Stickers products are borders and stitches, I use them all the time, and for this layout I used many of them to create a funny background. 
If you would like to see another layout created with them, you can find it here in my previous post - I also made a tutorial for it, check it out!

To create the background I used Gelatos and packaging technique (put Gelatos on a piece of plastic, sprinkle it with water and splash it on the cardstock!). Then I started adhering SRM borders and stitches stickers on the white textured cardstock: I alternated colors and motifs, and I created a visual line from top to bottom.  I layered picture on several patterned papers and I decorated with chipboard, flair, other stickers, sequins and glittered foam shapes to complete the LO.  The result is a colorful summer LO. 
Here some close ups:

I hope you liked my layout, if you will give it a try I would love to see your projects!

Until next time,
ciao, Giorgia

SRM products used 

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