Thursday, August 11, 2016

Watercoloring with Christine

Today we welcome back Christine Meyer.   She loves her SRM and since she's the wife of a Lutheran pastor, she's really enjoying all the new Bible Journaling products.  Let's hear about Christine in her own words:

I'm Christine Meyer and I'm so delighted to be joining the SRM team for another year of creating with some of the best products around!  I grew up in Los Angeles and moved to Austin, Texas for college.  I met my husband there and have moved several times with him as he follows God's call to serve as a Pastor.  We moved to Ohio just over 6 weeks ago and are enjoying a new area to live in and explore.  I love to do Paper Crafting in just about any form and especially love to use it to document memories of my four kids!  I am currently on the Design Teams for Doodlebug Design, Paper House Productions, and My Creative Scrapbook as well as serving as the Design Team Coordinator/Social Media Coordinator for Paper House and My Creative Scrapbook.  I am blessed to stay at home with my kids and will be diving into homeschooling them this year for the first time!  Life keeps me busy but I love every minute of it!  Paper crafting provides some much needed downtime to help slow down that busy life! You can find more of my work on my blog, my facebook page, or as cameyer71 on Instagram.  

SRM has released so many great new products to make coloring and Bible Journaling easy, fun, and pretty.  Christine joining you today to share a page that I created to look like a Bible Journaling AND coloring page!

I started off my project by stamping the words I wanted from The Lord is Kind & Merciful set.  I love the way that there are so many different combinations of words that I could use.  Then I wanted to create a background that would mimic some of the popular coloring pages out there.  I used flowers from the The Lord is Kind & Merciful and the Just Believe set to do just that.  Then came the really fun part!  Trying out the new Watercolor Twist pencils!  These are great for this kind of project and super easy to use!  I created a little video to show you just how I used them and the blending pen!  It's so easy and fun!

As you can see it's not complicated at all.  And unlike traditional watercoloring, where you have to use water, these will work great for coloring without having to do any extra prep work on your paper!  One tip I have is to keep a tissue or paper towel handy to wipe off your blending pen between colors.

Here are the SRM Products I used: 

I can't wait to dive in and play with these more!

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!