Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thank You Paper Crafts Blog Hop

Welcome to SRM!  We are so excited to be part of the Blog Hop in celebration of Paper Crafts Magazine.  What a force it has been in our industry.  Paper Crafts Magazine will be sorely missed.  So thank you Paper Crafts!  Sending love to you for all that you have done!

You have arrived here at SRM from:

And to help us say "thank you", we have asked one of our design team members to share a card. Here's a beauty from Annette Allen using SRM's Fancy Thank You stickers with a little border of mini sentiments at the top.  What a darling card! What a perfect way to say thanks.

SRM has had a long and wonderful relationship with Paper Crafts Magazine.  We've loved working Susan Opel and her cast of so many talented people. We've especially loved working with Paper Crafts Connection blog where we've been featured and done giveaways. 

 A special thank you to the Go To Gals who have loved working with SRM and some have even put in guest appearances on the SRM Blog.  A special shout out to Teri Anderson, Kim Kesti, Betsy Veldman and Julie Campbell who have all be guest designers for SRM. Here are a few of  their beautiful projects using SRM in their Guest Designer spots. 

Teri Anderson… You are so special to us!

Kim Kesti… You make wishes come true! 

Betsy Veldman… Your crafting makes us {{SWOON}}!

Julie Campbell… You make us smile!
With sadness and a great deal of thanks we bid a fond farewell to Paper Crafts Magazine and all of the fabulous people that made it the publication it was.  We will miss you all.  Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and moments left behind.  We celebrate you today for all the contributions you have made to our industry. 

Leave a comment on today's SRM Blog post and you might WIN one of 5 packets of SRM goodies just for you! 

Next on your list is: 



  1. Such lovely cards! I too will miss Paper Crafts Magazine.

  2. These are such amazing cards. Love the post to PC&S, they will be missed!!

  3. Can't believe Paper Crafts will be gone! I had been a long time subscriber for years and years and enjoyed them online as well.

  4. So sad to see PC&S going away and wish all the DT well! Thanks for the chance to win some SRM goodies!

  5. I'm sorry PC&S is ceasing publication. Yours is a lovely tribute.

  6. Wonderful post and beautiful cards.

  7. I love your post, they will be greatly missed! Your cards are so beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  8. I will miss this publication too but with the talent these gals have I know we will be seeing them popping up all over.

  9. Lovely card. The scallops are awesome! Love the bow! Lynn Gauthier

  10. Wonderful blog hop
    with all these goodbye
    wishes, will truly
    miss this great magazine.
    Carla from Utah

  11. This is such a sad post! I have loved Paper Crafts Mag. and will miss them too. I love the cards you have shown here today. So many wonderful ideas and beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  12. Very lovely cards.
    It makes me sad to see them go too.
    But you have done a wonderful job of saying goodbye in a sweet way.

  13. Beautiful cards and a beautiful tribute to great talent! Paper Crafts Magazine will surely be missed, but I know we'll continue to be inspired by their great designers. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Kudos to you for matching your tributes to your guest designers with their projects. Loved the Make a Wish box.

  15. A lovely tribute to Paper Crafts.. they sure will be missed. But look, I found you! :)

  16. Beautiful cards. I always looked forward to the go to gals guest designing on the SRM blog. You always knew it was going to be something special. I'm missing Paper Crafts already. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Love the projects for the Go To Gals. I will miss Paper Crafts.


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