Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Guest Designer, Megan Aaron

We are so happy to have Megan Aaron at the Blog today, sharing a project she created with one of our new stickers. We spotted Megan's work in our Gallery and asked her to create a special project for her spotlight feature. Here's Megan and her amazing calendar using our new Mini Calendar Stickers!

I am a 31 year old software engineer, wife, mother and almost compulsive scrapbooker. I have always been a crafter, and kept a very old school style scrapbook throughout my school years. However, I really got interested in scrapbooking after a trip to Europe in 2004 and have never looked back. Currently, my favorite subject is my 5-year-old daughter, Eliana. She is very adventurous, fun-loving, energetic and photogenic, so I get lots of opportunities to take photos. My main motivation for scrapbooking has always been to preserve memories, since I have a really terrible memory. However, I also enjoy it as a creative outlet and a stress reliever. Oh, and I also just love the feel and the smell of the papers and all the pretty embellishments. I have been on the team at A Cherry On Top.com for a couple years, am currently on the Scrapdango kit club team and have been lucky enough to have a variety of other design team experiences. I have only begun to submit to magazines fairly recently but have been published in several online magazines and am looking forward to a couple of paper publications that will be out this winter.

I have to admit that I only found SRM stickers fairly recently. I honestly don't know how I didn't know about them sooner, because now I use them on pretty much all my cards and on my layouts as well. I love that they match with everything! I also love that SRM stickers are fast and easy. I don't do much stamping, and never seem to have the right sentiment, but with SRM stickers I have a great variety of sentiments and I don't have to worry about messing up like I do with stamping. The words are always crisp and perfect! I can get the perfect placement too! I am very meticulous about everything being centered just right, and SRM stickers make THAT easy too!

Megan used her Zutter Bind It All to create this unique handmade keepsake along with patterned papers, ribbon, stitching, journaling spots, and photographs. You can view more of Megan's work at her BLOG. Thank you, Megan!


  1. What a wonderful calendar Megan, I just love all the photos, love how gorgeously binded together the calendar is. FAB use of those "must have" stickers. Your cards are wonderful, so neat and I just love the papers you have used. TFS!

  2. Wonderful calendar Megan! Really like how you repeated the 3 squares in your design.:)

  3. wow awesome calendar...love the design of it all...

  4. Beautiful calendar, Meg!! You did some awesome work with SRM... very inspiring!

  5. This is FABULOUS Meg! Wowsa! You really rocked that calendar mini! I love it!

  6. Darling calendar project, Megan!

  7. Awesome!!! Love love it. Congrats, Meg! I love your work...that mini is beautiful.

  8. Wow! This is fantastic! Beautiful work!

  9. Love the calendars especially the space for notes!

  10. What a fabulous project, Megan!

  11. DARLING calendar/project!! Love every page! So great to see and know more about Megan's work!

  12. thanks everyone! and I am so excited to get this opportunity!

  13. Wow Meg!!!! This is fantastic!!! Great design:)

  14. WOW Megan!!! LOVE your projects!! especially the calendar!!!! WTG girl!!

  15. Awesome work Megan! Glad SRM spotted you. Off to visit your blog.

  16. Fabulous calendar! Way to go Meg!

  17. The calendar is wonderful!!! How great that SRM has spotlighted you and your talents. Congrats.

  18. Love your work, Megan! That calendar rocks :)


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!