Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Designer Renee Morris-Dezember

Please welcome Renee Morris-Dezember to the SRM Stickers 2011 Design Team!

Hi there! My name is Renee’ Morris-Dezember. I am a mom to three kiddos, a wife of almost 13 years, a teacher, and I live each day as it comes! I have been scrapbooking since the birth of my oldest child and I love it more and more as each year passes. Creating and capturing our memories is the best way to pass the time! We live in Eastern Washington with our crazy cat Morris and I am addicted to my morning white mocha’s at Starbucks!

Renee used our new product, Faith Sentiments for her card. You can see more of Renee's work at her blog by clicking HERE.

Now, how about a Birthday Tube with coordinating card by Nina Brackett?! Nina will be staying with us through 2011 and occasionally contributing her wonderful artwork to the SRM Stickers Blog! Nina used We've Got Your Sticker, "Happy" for her colorful duo...

Be sure to check back tomorrow for a trio of cards from a few of our new Designers.


  1. Love your work, Renee. So beautiful!

    Nina--what a fun birthday combo :)

  2. great projects! so grateful to be working with both of you!

  3. Love the sweet card from Renee! So glad to have Renee on the SRM team! I adore Nina's matching card AND tube! YAY for Nina!

  4. YaY your beautiful card and so glad to working with you on the team. Nina rocked the tube card ensemble!!!!!!

  5. Just GORGEOUS Renee!!!!
    LOVE Nina's project too!

  6. LOVE your card Renee!! So happy to be on the DT with you and looking forward to seeing more of your delightful work!!


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!