Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Love...

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I have a few cards for you today, using our "Love" set of sentiment stickers, once again. The print on the stickers is dark and clear, even on patterned paper. Love that. I also love that after fussing and fussing over a card (like trying to tie a perfect bow!), my greeting is ready for me, and it always comes out perfectly.


I want to let you know that our monthly challenges begin February 1st. You'll be challenged to create a scrapbook page, card, altered item, whatever you like, using a certain technique or theme. We have gobs of prizes to give away and we can't wait to see what you can do with stickers! And, did I mention that our Guest Designers will be chosen from the challenge entries? Yep! Can't wait...

See you again tomorrow with more sticker stuff. :)



  1. Oh boy I can't wait for all the challenges!

  2. I like the cards!

    I'm ready for some challenges!

  3. Yay! The monthly challenges sound great!

  4. Can't wait to see what the challenges are! :) Great Cards!!!

  5. I LOVE the idea of challenges. And, those stickers do seem to make card-making so much easier. I've gotta get myself in gear and send in my application :)

  6. totally cute! can't wait for the challenges!

  7. Beautiful cards today. Looking forward to the challenges. There's so much fun going on here, I'll be checking in daily!

  8. Love the card! I can't wait for the challenges to begin, sound like fun!

  9. Cool! Nice post! Like it. Look forward for your new post. Thanks! jute goods


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!