Friday, April 7, 2017

Walk with Jesus Card Set by Shelly

Hey y'all! Shelly, here! 
Today, I'm sharing a simple and fun card set with you!

This card set came to me when I was looking through my SRM Stickers clear stamps. Lately, I've been doing a lot of 'make your own background' on my cards, so I thought I'd do the same with these. 

I used the arrow from SRM Stickers Walk By Faith stamp set and randomly stamped them on my card base. After, I added my sentiment pieces from the same set, in the center of my card. I did this for all my cards, using different colors.

One of things I love is the fancy/script writing, though as for me actually writing like that...not happening. lol But with these clear stamps that offer fancier or even bold words, I simply traced over the word with a gold pen and ta-da...done. :) 

To finish my card set off, I bundled them all together using a piece of white lace. After I placed the set in a clear container. Simple, yeah?!...

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Enjoy your day! 

SRM Stickers supplies used:

Calligraphy Gold pen
White Lace

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