Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Walk in the Light by Karen

Today I'm sharing a page in my journaling Bible. In Ephesians 5:8 we are urged to "walk as children of light." One of the many reasons I love SRM and am so excited to be a part of their Design Team is that, by offering a variety of faith-themed stickers and stamps, they are not only walking in the light, but shining that light and providing products for others to do the same. 

I wanted to set up a contrast between dark and light on this page ("...for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord." verse 8). To create the background, I used my ColorIn Watercolor Twist  to color areas with black, purple, and blue. Then I took my Blender Brush and began to blend them squeezing gently to release more water. I love this effect and it's easy to control the amount of water on these thin bible pages so it doesn't become completely saturated. 

When the page was completely dry, I stamped the sentiment and stars in (waterproof) black ink. The new SRM Faith stamp set The Lord is my Light worked perfectly here. This set makes it really easy to create a variety of perfect phrases and sentiments. I couldn't resist the super-cute star banner stamp found on the new Birthday Plans set either. To create the glow, I again used the Watercolor Twist and Blender Brush to add the yellow. 

I used:


Thanks for dropping by today!  
Have a blessed day.


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