Thursday, October 1, 2015

Coffee Lovers Blog Hop - You're My Cup of Tea by Cathy

Hi everyone and welcome back for another day of the Coffee Lover's Blog Hop!  Cathy here with you today and I have a fun little gift set to share with you, using one of SRM's new 4x6 Linen bags.  I started with soaking my linen bag is some strong tea, just to give it an aged looked.  You can really tell along the edges.  After it dried, I ironed it flat and then added my saying with some printable vinyl. 

SRM Stickers Blog - Coffee Lovers Blog Hop - You're My Cup of Tea by Cathy - #tea #twine #stickers #linenbags #giftset #DIY

The linen bags hold quit a bit, I was surprised how many little tea bags and tea bag holders I could fit inside.  I decorated some single tea bags with just a circle punch and SRM stickers from the 
Life is Good sentiment set.

Along with the tea bags, I made these adorable tea bag holders, you simply unfold them and your tea bag is ready to go.  I added Caribbean Baker's Twine to each one along with more stickers from the Life is Good set.  

A super fun gift set for this Autumn season.  
Thanks for joining us today at SRM!


  1. This is such a cute project! I couldn't help but think as I looked at them how cute they would be on the Thanksgiving table on each plate or beside each place card. You could even put the names on them and MAKE then the place card. So super CUTE!

  2. Superb projects for coffee lovers! Love the aged look of your linen bag with beautiful stamping and those tags are so cute!

  3. Super cute project! thanks for sharing

  4. What a truly wonderful & beautiful gift set.

  5. soo cute, love the bag and the tea bag tags!

  6. Love this stamped bag and what darling tags!!!

  7. This is just a fabulous gift idea! TFS

  8. What a fun gift!
    (need my address? lol!)

  9. Love this gift idea! So beautifully decorated and packaged too!

  10. So cute and fun! Such a clever idea and would make a great gift too!

  11. What pretty little treat bag holders!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Beautiful projects, Cathy, love all three! Thanks for sharing them with us! Hope you enjoy the last day of the hop!

  14. Your bag is such a wonderful idea and beautifully made.
    The cards are adorable.

  15. Very pretty and excellent gift idea. Love the aged look of your linen bag and the tags are so cute.

  16. Such a perfect giftie! gorgeous work!

  17. So fabulous, fun and creative! Well done!

  18. Awesome projects! Love the aging process of the linen bag. Those tea bag holders are darling and I love the simplicity of the tea tags. Wonderful! Bev

  19. Love all of your creations! They are so bright and cheery and that hedgehog... adorable!

  20. Super awesome project! Love the bags!!!

  21. What a cute bag and love the darling tags! Thanks for sharing this inspiration! ~Annie


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