Saturday, October 4, 2014

World Card Making Day #2 with Shannon Morgan

Welcome back to SRM's World Cardmaking Day Blog Posts and Giveaways!  I am loving all these gorgeous cards from Shannon Morgan and if you decide to CASE them, you can have a card set to give as a gift for Christmas.  Never too early to get started on making crafty gifts!  

And welcome to the Operation Write Home Blog Hoppers who are joining us! This is the second of 6 posts that we have scheduled for today. 

In a previous post Shannon created a clear container to hold her cards.  And now to the cards!  For her cards Shannon uses the same formula:  SRM Doilies + SRM Thank You Sticker Sentiments + SRM Sticker Stitches + Patterned Papers + Sequins + Vellum + Staples = Fabulous cards!

Want to WIN all the SRM goodies used on this card.  Just leave a comment on this blog post to be in the running.  

And there are more SRM giveaways over on the Paper Crafts blog.  And there's a tutorial for making one of Shannon's cards over on the Crafters Home Blog.   And be sure to check out the Blog Hop over at Operation Write Home.  We are participating in that Blog Hop all weekend!

Hope you are having a blast on this special card making day!  Where in the world are you from?  Would love to know.  


  1. What a fun card! I love all the layers and the stitching stickers are just awesome!

  2. wow! this is gorgeous! love all the goodies she has added to this beauty! :)

  3. I absolutely love all of the layers on your card, Shannon! Such happy colors, too! Thanks so much for the wonderful inspiration! Happy WCMD! ♡Dawn

  4. Wow! This card is just full of awesomeness! The vellum, the doily, the stitching stickers, staples, sequins...ALL of it is fabulous!
    Beth's Beauties

  5. Such a pretty card, live all the feminine and boho details! Great layers, soft pretty colors, TFS!

  6. What a fun card! I just love all the layers and little details. Those SRM stitched stickers are such an easy way to add the sewn look to a card. Thanks for supporting Operation Write Home!

  7. I've been admiring your products for quite a while! Beautiful card! Thanks for all the fun today!

  8. I love the variety of elements on this card - so much to love!

  9. Love the use of all your products in the card. My favorite are the Rub-Ons.

  10. really like the doilies in the background, and stamping the sentiment on vellum and layering over the heart give this a Victorian feel, so soft and feminine.

  11. That's adorable! Love all the layers.

  12. Beautiful! Love that the "thanks a million" sentiment is a little crooked, adds so much handmade personality!

  13. World Cardmaking Day is so much fun! So much inspiration -- this card is beautiful.

  14. super cute.. fabulous layers of wonderful

  15. Just noticed all the layers and vellum. Nicely done!

  16. Love the colors! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Lots of great details on this cute card.

  18. Gorgeous card! I love the doily and layering.

  19. Love this card with all the layers and am looking forward to checking out the tutorial at Crafters Home Blog to try and make my own. Thanks for sharing.

  20. The bright and bold chevron stripes and polka dots really make this card look great!

  21. Love all the bright colors and layers.

  22. Love all the mix of colors, textures, and patterns!!! Lovely card!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  23. So pretty with all those layers. I definitely need to work on that!

  24. Love the vellum, stitching and the colors! :)

  25. this card is so sweet! love the stitches

  26. Omgosh, love all the layers, patterns and stitching. TFS Hugs Kristina

  27. pretty doily and sequins on this lovely card!

  28. Great style on
    this card, lots
    of layers and
    love the sequins.
    Carla from Utah

  29. Such a pretty and feminine card!

  30. The vellum sticker over everything is just the right touch!

  31. Love all those luscious layers, nice use for the sequins I've been hoarding too :-)

  32. Love the great layers on this card! And the sticker stitches. :) Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  33. Like the stitching and layering used on this pretty card. Thanks for opportunity to win.


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!