Monday, September 8, 2014

A Golfer's Motto by Stacey

Hello, SRM Stickers fans!
Stacey Schafer here with a masculine card that's perfect for a golfer!

SRM Stickers offers a wide range of sports-themed stickers, like the one I've used here!  To make this card for my freshman son, Noah, who has just started his first season on our school golf team, I grabbed several of my SRM Stickers goodies!  I used a 4" Round Silver Lace Doily, a 2 3/4 x 4 1/4 Glassine Bag filled with golf tees,  a sentiment from Say It With Stickers Mini/GOLF, and a wrap of Solid Cappuccino Twine.

SRM Stickers Blog - A Golfer's Motto by Stacey - #card #twine #stickers #golf #glassine bag #doily #silver

This was a fun project to make, different from my usual girly and frilly cards!  

SRM Stickers Blog - A Golfer's Motto by Stacey - #card #twine #stickers #golf #glassine bag #doily #silver

I think I will give this to Noah for his first golf tournament that's coming up soon...I'll have to hide it in his golf bag to surprise him!

SRM Stickers Blog - A Golfer's Motto by Stacey - #card #twine #stickers #golf #glassine bag #doily #silver

Thanks for stopping by the SRM Stickers blog today!  Be sure to share your masculine cards with us on our Flickr.  We love to feature our friends and fans on our Facebook with Flickr posts.  


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!