Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fiskars Focus Day #1 - Emma Jeffery

Welcome to day #1 of a 3 day celebration of all things Fiskars and SRM Stickers!  We have teamed together to make some amazing projects.  Over the next 3 days, 3 Fiskars designers will be featured on the SRM Blog and 3 SRM designers will be featured on the Fiskars Blog.  FUN!  And both blogs will be doing a giveaway.  Details at the end of this post. 

Today we are featuring Emma Jeffrey.  Emma is currently on the Fiskars Design Team and Lead Fiskateer for the Fiskars' online crafting community. She loves color and design and has a passion for creating. Whether she's using fabric, paper, baker's twine, buttons or old socks, Emma is, in her own words, "happy diving into projects with more enthusiasm than talent, more bravado than skill and more good luck than anything else". 

For her first project, Emma created a Thank You teacher gift card holder.  The end of the school year is quickly approaching and she wanted to find a way to thank her children’s teachers. Emma likes to give gift cards because she knows that they will be put to good use, so she designed this sweet gift card tag and put it into a pretty SRM glassine bag ‘envelope’.

Here's what Emma says about her project:

"I love SRM’s glassine bags; this bag is 3 3/4” x 6 1/4” and cardstock cut 1/4” smaller fits inside perfectly. I used SRM's Say it with Stickers Teacher and Express Yourself School to decorate the front of the bag with meaningful words. I like to add splashes of color with punched cardstock shapes."

What bold and beautiful colors Emma chose for her project.  Love the touch of Marigold Twinery twine on the card and on the outside glassine envelope!  

The tag inside holds a gift card with a perfect tag line for a teacher.  After cutting the cardstock to size, Emma used her Fiskars Fingertip Detail Knife to cut slots for each of the four corners of the gift card to easily slip into. She punched a small hole at the top of the cardstock and reinforced it with an extra cardstock punched circle before threading some twine through.  For this gift card project Emma used the following Fiskars tools:  Lacy Doubles Border Punch, Circle Pop Up Punch and Circle Lever Punch

For her second project Emma turned to SRM's very popular TUBES.  Emma's son is turning 9 in a couple of months and she doesn't think that he will every outgrow his Legos!  Emma says:  "If you're also planning a fun-filled Lego party for a special someone, then why not use SRM's Standard 7" TUBES to create the perfect take-home treat for any Lego-lover!"

Using a Fiskars tag punch, Emma created yellow card stock gift tags.  She trimmed the tags down to 1 1/2" and rounded the corners with her corner squeeze punch.  

Emma then layered the tags with a full-size red tag underneath giving her just enough room to sticker a clear "thank you so much" sentiment from SRM's Stickers by the Dozen Thank You design.  She embellished the tags, creating
little happy faces, tied the tag to the TUBE with some Peapod Twinery twine and decorated the caps with SRM's Sticker Stitches.  Emma filled the tubes with a selection of Lego blocks in primary colors.  The bold colors of the tags really coordinate with Lego blocks and fit in nicely with the Lego theme!

She then topped the caps with a little Lego man.  You can adhere him with a removable glue dot so that he's ready to play when needed. How fun is that?

And here's what Emma has to say about SRM Stickers: 
"I absolutely love the wide variety of SRM stickers that are available, but I am especially taken with the Tiny Tubes and the mini glassine bags. Not only do they inspire so many different uses and projects, small is ALWAYS cool!" 

Thank you Emma for such fun and fabulous projects!  We love them! Be sure to hop on over to the Fiskars Blog to see what SRM Design Team member Tessa Buys is doing with Fiskars and SRM Stickers!

GIVEAWAY ALERT:   We will be giving away two different Fiskars tools per day during this 3 day feature.  Simply leave a comment on the SRM Blog and on the Fiskars Blog and you will be in the running for either the Fiskars XXXL Circle Punch, a 3" circle or the brand new, much coveted XL Hexagon Punch.  There's a GIVEAWAY on the Fiskars Blog for a stash of SRM Stickers too!


  1. I love these projects. Especially the Lego. I also love Fiskars punches.

  2. Wonderful teachers gift card holder and love the Lego tubes. The tag is perfect.

  3. Both great projects! The Lego tubes are super cute.

  4. What fun projects! Love the Lego idea particularly!

  5. Those lego tubes are genius! I LOVE those! All around great projects!

  6. Adorable Lego tubes! The teacher will love her gift!

  7. Looooove those ADORABLE Lego tubes!

  8. Wow! Both projects are AWEsome! Love the gift card holder, I can see making several of these. And what little tike would love the Lego tubes :)

  9. Both of these projects are fantastic!

  10. Both of these projects are great! The glassine bags to hold the gift card tag looks great with all of the stickers and twine added and the tubes would just be fun for any occasion!

  11. Oh... These are great Emma. Wonderful job on both. How fun are those tubes... Thanks for the idea's.

  12. Great projects! Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Lovin' both of these projects!! :) My kids would go nuts, for those Lego tubes! I think I'll have to try my hand at making those! Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. great projects and sooo LOVIN the lego tubes!!!!

  15. These are great. I love the lego theme tubes.

  16. Just found your blog, but
    enjoyed the projects today.
    The lego tube is really
    Carla from Utah

  17. Great projects! Very fun ideas! Love the glassine bags and the tubes... so fun!

  18. Great projects! Thanks for the chance!

  19. These projects are both so adorable great job Emma thankgs for sharing your talents!

  20. What fab projects I love the little Lego tubes!

  21. That's an awesome idea...my lego-loving boys would adore this :)

  22. Just ADORE those lego tubes - such a neat idea.

  23. I love the mini album! thanks for sharing such great ideas!

  24. :)
    I'm smiling right along with all those smilie faces

  25. super cute ideas.. and great use of SRM product

  26. Too cute. So many creative ideas. TFS!

  27. Cute idea to tuck the tag with the gift card into the bag.

  28. omgeee...love these tags, you rock!!

  29. Love both projects, but really love those glassine bags! Very cool!

  30. These tubes are perfect! What a great idea!


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!