Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Father's Day Tube by Jan

How clever is this for a unique Father's Day gift! Jan Tatomir filled a SRM Tube with golf tees and used our Quick Card set to decorate;

Jan drilled a hole, a little smaller than the tee, through the top of the tube and inserted the tee until it was snug. She then glued a golf ball to the top of the tee and added the star sticker from the Quick Card set. Jan used Ribbon Stiff on a piece of grosegrain ribbon, and after it dried, she fringed it to look like the ball is ready to tee off.

Our complete line of Father's Day stickers can be found and purchased HERE.


  1. Nice you already prepare for this kind of gift this coming fathers day!

    Employment Posters

  2. I LOVEEE this Jan! You are so stinkin clever!

  3. AWESOME project, Jan. My DH doesn't golf, but I might make this for him anyway :)

  4. what a clever idea Jan! Love it!


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