Friday, February 18, 2011

Designer Sasha Holloway

Please welcome Sasha Holloway to the SRM Stickers 2011 Design Team!

.. I currently reside in the United Kingdom with my husband and 2 boys
.. I think the Monopoly Deal card game is the best invention ever
.. I have 3 favorite colors and all surrounded by my Georgia Bulldogs
.. I love the smell of clean cotton
.. I misuse words like: its, it's, their, they're and there
.. I have recently retired some combat boots
.. I have guest designed for some amazing manufacturers
.. I try to sing in the shower like Charice from Glee. Really not pretty
.. I am debuting a blog for women, men and teens suffering from abuse and incest
.. I call home Atlanta Georgia and when I am bored I grab a coloring book.

I am so excited and honored to be here I look forward to what 2011 is going to bring.

You can view more of Sasha's work by visiting her Blog, HERE.

By now you know that we try to show examples of filled and decorated Tubes each Friday. Here's a clever card/tube combination with a "Penny For Your Thoughts" theme by Elizabeth Carney!

You can pick up YOUR tubes, HERE. Have a terrific weekend! We're back next week with many, MANY St. Patrick's Day projects!


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOVE your layout!!! What handsome boys!!!
    LOVE the tube cute!

  2. LOVE your work Sasha! so happy to be on the DT with you and can't wait to see more of your inspiring projects!!!

  3. OH my... Sasha's layout is fabulous!!!!!! LOVE her style.. and what an amazing bio... I am off to check out her blog! So glad she is on this DT!

  4. great layout and card! so glad to be working with you Sasha!

  5. I adore Sasha's gorgeous style and bio (!!!!). The tube is simply sweet!

  6. Congrats, Sasha!

    Goooo DAWGS! Sic 'em!!!

  7. congrats Sasha! love your work!

  8. Hooray! Sasha, you are an incredible designer. So happy to be with you on the team :)

  9. Hey Sasha! Love your layout! And Elizabeth that is such an awesome idea for the tubes :)


Thank you for visiting SRM Stickers! We love to hear your feedback and we'd ba happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for taking the time to comment...have a crafty day!